Red Square

Twenty-four photos, like in a one-second movie with 24 frames per second …

Red Square

Imagine a photographic laboratory where your photos – the film photos that no one uses any more nowadays – come to life. You’ve just dipped the images in the revelator fluid and like a miracle, your model appears. Slowly, almost shyly, at first. As if being born from your own photographic placenta.

You’re in awe … Every time this happens, you pray Santa Veronica, your patron saint. And shed a tear.

And now is time for the photos to be hung and dry and there you are … right in the middle of them …

Twenty-four, like in a one-second movie with 24 frames per second, only this time, you have more than one second to watch them. You can watch them for as long as you like.

Take a walk round and like the model, take off your clothes, feel free, sit down, take the Red Square tile on the chair and put it in front of your face if you don’t want to be recognized.

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